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编辑时间:2018/3/22 点击次数: 0 次





    I. Audit Opinions
    We have audited the financial statements of xxxx Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") including the Balance Sheet as of 31 December, 2017, Income Statement of 2017.
    We believe that the attached inancial statements are prepared in accordance with Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises and fairly reflect the financial status of the Company as of 31 Dec., 2017 and the business operation of 2017.

    II. Basis for Audit Opinions
    We performed the audit work according to the Chinese Certified Public Accountant Auditing Standard. The “Responsibility of Certified Public Accountant” further detailed our responsibility. According to the Chinese Certified Public Accountants Professional Ethics Code, we are independent of the Company and have performed the responsibilities of the professional ethics. We believe that the evidence we obtained is sufficient and appropriate and has provided the basis for the publication of our audit opinions.

    III. Management and Governance Team's Responsibility for Financial Statements 
    The management of xxxx Co., Ltd is responsible for preparation of financial statements in  accordance with the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises, to achieve fair presentation, design, execution and maintenance of necessary internal control, so as to prevent the financial statements from material misstatement caused by malpractice or error.
    In the preparation of the financial statements, unless the executives plan to liquidate or close the Companyor have no other choice, the management is responsible for the evaluation of the Company’s continuous operation ability and the disclosure of the operation related matters, as well as the application of continuous operation assumptions.

    The governance team of xxxxCo., Ltd is responsible for the responsible for supervising the financial reporting process of the Company.

IV. Responsibility of Certified Public Accountant for the Audit of the Financial Statements

    Our goal is to get a reasonable guarantee for that there is no material misstatement caused by malpractice or error and to issue the audit report containing audit opinions. The reasonable guarantee is high-level guarantee but cannot ensure that a major misstatement can be always found in the performance of the audit. The misstatement may be caused by malpractice or error. If the reasonable expected misstatements may independently or wholly affect the economic decision made by the user according to the financial statements, the misstatement is generally considered major.
In the performance of the audit work according to the Auditing Standard, we professional judgment and keep professional suspicion. At the same time, we also carry out the following work:
(1) To identify and evaluate the risk of material misstatement caused by malpractice or error; to design and implement the audit procedures to respond to such risk and obtained sufficient and appropriate audit evidence as the basis for the publication of audit opinions. Because the malpractice may involve the collusion, forgery, intentional omission, false statement or overriding internal control, the risk possibility of the material misstatement caused by malpractice is higher than that of material misstatement caused by error.
(2) To understand the internal control related to the audit to design the appropriate audit procedures but not aiming to publish the opinions on the effectiveness of the internal control.
(3) To evaluate the appropriateness of the management selecting accounting policies and the accounting estimate and related disclosure.
(4) To make conclusion on the appropriateness of the management using continuous operation assumptions; to make conclusion on if there is major uncertainty of  the issues or matters affecting the Company’s continuous operation ability. If we identify the major uncertainty, the Auditing Standard requires that the user of the financial statements should note the relevant disclosure; if there is insufficient disclosure, we should publish non-unqualified opinions. Our conclusion is based on the information obtained as of the date of audit report, however, the future issues or circumstances may cause the Company’s non-continuation operation.

(5) To evaluate the overall summary, structure and content of the financial statement (including disclosure) and to evaluate if the financial statements fairly reflect the relevant transactions or issues.
We communicate with the management about the audit scope, schedule and major audit findings, including the internal control defects identified in the audit.
We also make declaration for the governance team regarding the professional ethics requirements related to the independentness and communicate with the governance team about all the relations, other issues and related preventive measures that may affect our independentness.
    We identify the most important ones to the financial statements from the issues communicated with the governance team, which will be the key issues to be audited. Unless the laws and regulations prohibit the disclosure of the issues, we will describe such issues in the audit report; or in rare circumstances, if it is expected that the negative consequences caused by the communication on such issues exceed the public benefits, we decide not to communicate about such issues.




法律顾问:河南荟智源策律师事务所 沈律师




QQ2: 362075065








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